~ 2 min read
OG Analytics – an answer for a D6 organic groups environment

Analytics provide insights to behaviors and patterns based on quantitative data. This is most often to aid in making decisions which aren’t just based on a hunch but rather on previous (recorded) experience.
Running a Drupal 6 instance, we wanted to get more information in regards to how our content is being used within organic groups. The common statistics module won’t be of help in this case because it is providing a site-wide information, such as total number of forum nodes, but how about providing a group admin (in OG-terms) the ability to monitor how many forums have been active in his group? which are the top active forum topics? which are the most downloaded content?
To meet the above requirements OG Analytics was developed. It is leveraging Google’s Charts API which adds a very nice user interface to the mix and the module’s design is built in such a way that allows developers to further enrich the analytics pages with more sections (forums, downloads, general user activity, e-commerce output charts etc).
This module has been live in it’s project page for quite some time but I’ve promoted it to a drupal.org project just now.
While it seems that OG Analytics is the only module exists for Drupal 6 Organic Groups setup there are more advanced modules for Drupal 7.
Some screenshots eye-candy for you :-)