~ 1 min read
daloRADIUS bug fix for refill traffic or time

With thanks to Ezequiel Villarreal, and another fine example of the open source movement in general and the daloRADIUS users community in specific, a patch has been contributed to solve an issue with refilling a user’s traffic or time limits in daloRADIUS’s Accounting interface.
Ezequiel was kind enough to e-mail information about a problem, along with constructive feedback on the project (always great to hear!), but not without also sending the fix for it too.
> Hi! Liran,
> I’ve downloaded daloradius, it is a great plataform 
> I’ve found a bug when you do a Refill Traffic, it gives you an insert error, but you could see that only debugging.
> On “./include/management/userOperations.php”You have: $sql = “INSERT INTO “.$configValues['CONFIG_DB_TBL_DALOBILLINGHISTORY']. ” (id,username,**planName**,billAmount,billAction,billPerformer,billReason,”. ” paymentmethod,cash,creditcardname,creditcardnumber,creditcardverification,creditcardtype,creditcardexp,”. ” creationdate,creationby”. “)”. ” VALUES “………………..
> There is not planName on billing_history, only you have a planId. then, refilling is not saved on that table.
> I’ve changed code to$sql = “INSERT INTO “.$configValues['CONFIG_DB_TBL_DALOBILLINGHISTORY']. ” (id,username,**planID**,billAmount,billAction,billPerformer,billReason,”. ” paymentmethod,cash,creditcardname,creditcardnumber,creditcardverification,creditcardtype,creditcardexp,”. ” creationdate,creationby”.
> The same problem on refilling time.
> And it works perfectly!
> Thank you very much!
> Best Regards,
> Ezequiel Villarreal
daloRADIUS accounting and reporting capabilities